1 min read

New Version, New Branding

With Cachet lying dormant for 5 years, our existing logo provoked thoughts of a "dead project," something old and no longer maintained. Now that Cachet 3.x has been announced, it felt only right to breathe new life into it.

The Oxford Dictionary defines "cachet" as:

the state of being respected or admired; prestige.
a distinguishing mark or seal.

Our friend and Cachet alumnus, Joe Cohen, designed the Cachet logo almost a decade ago, and it has served us well as our "distinguishing seal."

Cachet Old Logo

With Cachet lying dormant for 5 years, our existing logo provoked thoughts of a "dead project," something old and no longer maintained. Now that Cachet 3.x has been announced, it felt only right to breathe new life into it.

Our friends at Jump24 were genuinely thrilled by the news of Cachet starting again, and they eagerly offered their assistance.

When we heard that James had brought Cachet back and needed help to redesign it, we were excited to lend a hand. We're huge fans of James and the other tools he has built, as well as the work he's done for the Laravel community in his day-to-day role. So we wanted to show our appreciation by helping out in any way we could with Cachet.
Daniel Newns, Co-Founder, Jump24

Jump24 has provided us with more than just a logo. They gave the brand a complete revamp, and we're super excited about it. Check this out 👇

Cachet New Logo
The new Cachet logo.

This new logo embeds the well-known Cachet checkmark into a modern housing, and the new, bolder font truly makes the name stand out.

We'll be updating our website and social media with our fresh branding shortly. A heartfelt thanks again to Jump24, and in particular, Tim Print, for giving us this invigorating new brand.